2nd South African Congress of Integrative Medicine in Cape Town - Nov 17th & 18th

The 2nd Southern African Congress of Integrative Medicine (SACIM 2018) will take place from 17-18 November, 2018 in Cape Town, South Africa.
SACIM2018 provides a platform for like-minded health care providers to share knowledge, research and best-practices. The objective is to facilitate the advancement of science and research and providing advice on new policy. We invite you to join this growing community in our mission to promote safe, effective, evidence-based, holistic, patient-centered health care.
Integrative Medicine recognises the holistic and unique nature of human-beings, which encompasses physio-energetic information systems. It investigates the multi-factoral causes of disease. In this approach the practitioner and the sick individual form a team working towards an integrated protocol of management best suited for that person.
For more information on the Congress – http://www.integrativemedcongress.com/
For Congress Topics – http://www.integrativemedcongress.com/topics/
The South African Society of Integrative Medicine
SASIM is a non-profit network of medical practitioners who support the practice of Functional and Integrative Medicine (IM).
We exist to support like-minded health care providers in sharing knowledge, research and best-practices. We promote IM nationally by facilitating the advancement of science and research and providing advice on new policy. SASIM also provides the public with a national database of practitioners and helps to educate the general community on all matters regarding integrative medicine.
Website: http://integrativemedicine.co.za